It's a very hands-on course, so you're never bored!

Michelle is in her final year of her BA Journalism course. Her advice is to just enjoy it, and to make the most of unexpected opportunities. Why did you choose to study your course and what inspired you to go into journalism? Since Primary School, I've always enjoyed public speaking. In addition, I had a knack for reading and creative writing, and as I moved to high school, I realised I love research work and being in the know about anything that happens around the world. After realising my i

Four year old cycling 100 miles for mental health charity

Chelsea Ellis, a four-year-old girl from Barnsley, aims to cycle 100 miles during March and April to raise awareness of mental health illness. With the initial aim to raising £150, the toddler has already raised the bar by collecting over £320, the proceeds of which will be donated to the mental health organisation Rethink Mental Illness. The four-year-old from Kendray, Barnsley has taken up this initiative, saying that she “wants to help people just like they helped my mummy”. Proud mum Keele

Four year old cycling 100 miles for mental health charity

Chelsea Ellis, a four-year-old girl from Barnsley, aims to cycle 100 miles during March and April to raise awareness of mental health illness. With the initial aim to raising £150, the toddler has already raised the bar by collecting over £320, the proceeds of which will be donated to the mental health organisation Rethink Mental Illness. The four-year-old from Kendray, Barnsley has taken up this initiative, saying that she “wants to help people just like they helped my mummy”. Proud mum Keele

Traveling back to Dubai during the Coronavirus...? Here's what you should know

First things first- You need an approval permit, granting you entry into the United Arab Emirates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation- (This is the link that helps you apply for the permit) Applying for the approval permit is a tedious process, and requires residents of UAE, (who want to come back), to fill up a whole load of details in order to gain permission to board a flight and enter your Emirate. Receiving the approval permit ta